חיפוש מתקדם
BBA - Molecular Cell Research
Rosenberg, J., Institute of Animal Science, Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel
Pines, M., Institute of Animal Science, Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel
Hurwitz, S., Institute of Animal Science, Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel
Dispersed chicken adrenocortical cells were preincubated with atrial natriuretic peptide (rANP), sodium nitroprusside (SNP) or 8-bromo cyclic GMP, followed by incubations with ACTH, chicken PTH, cholera toxin or various steroid intermediates of aldosterone production. Cyclic AMP production and aldosterone secretion were evaluated, in order to determine the sites of ANP inhibition in the sequence of events leading to aldosterone secretion. Dose-dependent inhibitory effects on ACTH-stimulated aldosterone secretion by rANP and SNP were observed. Both agents appeared to stimulate cGMP production by the particulate fraction of the avian adrenocortical cells. Aldosterone production, stimulated by cyclic AMP agonists such as ACTH, chicken PTH and cholera toxin, was significantly inhibited by ANP. On the other hand, ANP did not interfere with production or degradation of cAMP. Each of the aldosterone intermediates - pregnenolone, progesterone, 11-deoxycorticosterone and corticosterone - promoted aldosterone production when included in the incubation media. Atrial natriuretic peptide and SNP inhibited aldosterone secretion when enhanced by the intermediates, by about 40-60%, but the ACTH-stimulated secretion was inhibited by over 90%. The results suggest two sites of inhibition by ANP in the pathway of aldosterone synthesis and secretion: synthesis of cholesterol or pregnenolone, and conversion of corticosterone to aldosterone. The inhibition by 8-bromo cGMP of aldosterone secretion and the similar sites of inhibition for ANP and SNP suggest that cyclic GMP mediates the inhibition in both cases. © 1989.
פותח על ידי קלירמאש פתרונות בע"מ -
הספר "אוצר וולקני"
תנאי שימוש
Inhibition of aldosterone secretion by atrial natriuretic peptide in chicken adrenocortical cells
Rosenberg, J., Institute of Animal Science, Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel
Pines, M., Institute of Animal Science, Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel
Hurwitz, S., Institute of Animal Science, Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel
Inhibition of aldosterone secretion by atrial natriuretic peptide in chicken adrenocortical cells
Dispersed chicken adrenocortical cells were preincubated with atrial natriuretic peptide (rANP), sodium nitroprusside (SNP) or 8-bromo cyclic GMP, followed by incubations with ACTH, chicken PTH, cholera toxin or various steroid intermediates of aldosterone production. Cyclic AMP production and aldosterone secretion were evaluated, in order to determine the sites of ANP inhibition in the sequence of events leading to aldosterone secretion. Dose-dependent inhibitory effects on ACTH-stimulated aldosterone secretion by rANP and SNP were observed. Both agents appeared to stimulate cGMP production by the particulate fraction of the avian adrenocortical cells. Aldosterone production, stimulated by cyclic AMP agonists such as ACTH, chicken PTH and cholera toxin, was significantly inhibited by ANP. On the other hand, ANP did not interfere with production or degradation of cAMP. Each of the aldosterone intermediates - pregnenolone, progesterone, 11-deoxycorticosterone and corticosterone - promoted aldosterone production when included in the incubation media. Atrial natriuretic peptide and SNP inhibited aldosterone secretion when enhanced by the intermediates, by about 40-60%, but the ACTH-stimulated secretion was inhibited by over 90%. The results suggest two sites of inhibition by ANP in the pathway of aldosterone synthesis and secretion: synthesis of cholesterol or pregnenolone, and conversion of corticosterone to aldosterone. The inhibition by 8-bromo cGMP of aldosterone secretion and the similar sites of inhibition for ANP and SNP suggest that cyclic GMP mediates the inhibition in both cases. © 1989.
Scientific Publication
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