חיפוש מתקדם
Journal of Insect Physiology
Nestel, D., Department of Zoology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Galun, R., Department of Zoology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Friedman, S., Department of Zoology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Male and female medflies, Ceratitis capitata, were maintained for up to 8 days after emergence on 2% (58 mM), 8% (234 mM), or 16% (468 mM) sucrose solutions. Sucrose intake was recorded daily and whole-body analyses of lipid and glycogen were made at regular intervals. Greater volumes of fluid were imbibed by all flies on more dilute solutions. However, the amount of sucrose taken up over time was greatest for males on the 16% diet. Female intake was equal on the 8 and 16% diets. Males lost body triacylglycerol at a rate proportional to the dilution of the diet. Females on 8 and 16% sucrose lost no triacylglycerol throughout the 8-day period. Males and females, starved for 2 days after emergence lost 80% of their triacylglycerol and did not resume triacylglycerol synthesis when offered a diet rich in sucrose. © 1985.
פותח על ידי קלירמאש פתרונות בע"מ -
הספר "אוצר וולקני"
תנאי שימוש
Long-term regulation of sucrose intake by the adult Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann)
Nestel, D., Department of Zoology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Galun, R., Department of Zoology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Friedman, S., Department of Zoology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Long-term regulation of sucrose intake by the adult Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann)
Male and female medflies, Ceratitis capitata, were maintained for up to 8 days after emergence on 2% (58 mM), 8% (234 mM), or 16% (468 mM) sucrose solutions. Sucrose intake was recorded daily and whole-body analyses of lipid and glycogen were made at regular intervals. Greater volumes of fluid were imbibed by all flies on more dilute solutions. However, the amount of sucrose taken up over time was greatest for males on the 16% diet. Female intake was equal on the 8 and 16% diets. Males lost body triacylglycerol at a rate proportional to the dilution of the diet. Females on 8 and 16% sucrose lost no triacylglycerol throughout the 8-day period. Males and females, starved for 2 days after emergence lost 80% of their triacylglycerol and did not resume triacylglycerol synthesis when offered a diet rich in sucrose. © 1985.
Scientific Publication
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