Joffe, A.Z., Depart. of Botany, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, Depart. of Plant Protection, Extension Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Tel Aviv, Israel Palti, J., Depart. of Botany, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, Depart. of Plant Protection, Extension Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Tel Aviv, Israel
Relations between harmful effects on plants and on animals of toxins produced by species of Fusarium
Joffe, A.Z., Depart. of Botany, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, Depart. of Plant Protection, Extension Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Tel Aviv, Israel Palti, J., Depart. of Botany, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, Depart. of Plant Protection, Extension Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Tel Aviv, Israel
Relations between harmful effects on plants and on animals of toxins produced by species of Fusarium