חיפוש מתקדם
Economic nematology (book)

The bionomics and ecology of Tylenchulus semipenetrans and Radopholus similis as parasites of citrus are reviewed in some detail and other nematodes attacking citrus are listed. Pre- and post-plant treatment with fumigants such as D-D, DBCP and ethylene dibromide have been effective against T. semipenetrans, but phytotoxicityremains a problem. Irrigation with sewage water has proved effective and resistant varieties show promise. Radopholus similis which is only a problem on citrus in Floridahas proved very difficult to control and the only effective cultural method is the use of resistant or tolerant rootstocks. All these control methods are probably effective against the other citrus nematodes. The economics of control are discussed under the headings-reduction in quantity and quality of fruit; increase in production costs; indirect losses to the community. P.S.G.

Chapter 10; https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/search/?q=%22Nematode%20Diseases%20of%20Citrus%22

פותח על ידי קלירמאש פתרונות בע"מ -
הספר "אוצר וולקני"
תנאי שימוש
Nematode Diseases of Citrus

The bionomics and ecology of Tylenchulus semipenetrans and Radopholus similis as parasites of citrus are reviewed in some detail and other nematodes attacking citrus are listed. Pre- and post-plant treatment with fumigants such as D-D, DBCP and ethylene dibromide have been effective against T. semipenetrans, but phytotoxicityremains a problem. Irrigation with sewage water has proved effective and resistant varieties show promise. Radopholus similis which is only a problem on citrus in Floridahas proved very difficult to control and the only effective cultural method is the use of resistant or tolerant rootstocks. All these control methods are probably effective against the other citrus nematodes. The economics of control are discussed under the headings-reduction in quantity and quality of fruit; increase in production costs; indirect losses to the community. P.S.G.

Chapter 10; https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/search/?q=%22Nematode%20Diseases%20of%20Citrus%22

Scientific Publication
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