חיפוש מתקדם

Infection of avocado fruit by Fusarium solani caused an accelerated softening when compared with uninfected fruit. The basic physiological processes related to ripening were found to be similar in infected and uninfected fruit; however, an increase in respiration rate, ethylene evolution, activity of pectolytic enzymes, and changes in pectic substances accompanying fruit softening, occurred earlier in the infected fruit. Apparently F. solani causes earlier ripening and softening processes in avocado.

פותח על ידי קלירמאש פתרונות בע"מ -
הספר "אוצר וולקני"
תנאי שימוש
Changes in the Ripening Process of Avocado Fruit Infected by Fusarium solani
Changes in the Ripening Process of Avocado Fruit Infected by Fusarium solani

Infection of avocado fruit by Fusarium solani caused an accelerated softening when compared with uninfected fruit. The basic physiological processes related to ripening were found to be similar in infected and uninfected fruit; however, an increase in respiration rate, ethylene evolution, activity of pectolytic enzymes, and changes in pectic substances accompanying fruit softening, occurred earlier in the infected fruit. Apparently F. solani causes earlier ripening and softening processes in avocado.

Scientific Publication
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