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Malkie, S., Agricultural Research Organization, Volcani Center, Department of Entomology, P.O. Box 6, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Department of Plant Protection, Israel
Yair, B.-D., Agricultural Research Organization, Volcani Center, Department of Entomology, P.O. Box 6, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
Alex, P., Agricultural Research Organization, Volcani Center, Department of Entomology, P.O. Box 6, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
The first-instar nymph and adult female of Kermes greeni Bodenheimer, 1931 are redescribed and a lectotype is designated. Kermes palestiniensis Balachowsky, 1953 is synonymized with K. greeni. This synonymy is based on a study of the type material of K. greeni and K. palestiniensis, as well as on fresh, topotypic material collected from Quercus calliprinos Webb in Israel. Copyright © 2012 · Magnolia Press.
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Taxonomy of Kermes greeni Bodenheimer (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Kermesidae) with a new synonymy
Malkie, S., Agricultural Research Organization, Volcani Center, Department of Entomology, P.O. Box 6, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Department of Plant Protection, Israel
Yair, B.-D., Agricultural Research Organization, Volcani Center, Department of Entomology, P.O. Box 6, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
Alex, P., Agricultural Research Organization, Volcani Center, Department of Entomology, P.O. Box 6, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
Taxonomy of Kermes greeni Bodenheimer (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Kermesidae) with a new synonymy
The first-instar nymph and adult female of Kermes greeni Bodenheimer, 1931 are redescribed and a lectotype is designated. Kermes palestiniensis Balachowsky, 1953 is synonymized with K. greeni. This synonymy is based on a study of the type material of K. greeni and K. palestiniensis, as well as on fresh, topotypic material collected from Quercus calliprinos Webb in Israel. Copyright © 2012 · Magnolia Press.
Scientific Publication
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