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Journal of Experimental Botany
Ginzburg, C., Division of Ornamental Horticulture, Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel
The influence of GA and CCC on growth and assimilate translocation to the various plant organs in gladiolus was studied by labelling a single leaf with 14CO2 and following the distribution of the assimilates. GA promotes inflorescence growth by directing assimilate movement towards the inflorescence at the expense of the corm. CCC has a similar but smaller effect. GA and CCC both promote assimilate translocation from the labelled leaf during the period of inflorescence growth. When this period is over and the corm becomes the main sink, translocation from the labelled leaf is promoted by CCC but inhibited by GA. The effect of CCC may be only partly explained on the basis of an increase in GA turnover in gladiolus. © 1974 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS.
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The effect of gibberellin a3 and (2-chloroethyl)-trimethylammoniuin chloride on assimilate distribution in gladiolus in relation to corm growth1
Ginzburg, C., Division of Ornamental Horticulture, Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel
The effect of gibberellin a3 and (2-chloroethyl)-trimethylammoniuin chloride on assimilate distribution in gladiolus in relation to corm growth1
The influence of GA and CCC on growth and assimilate translocation to the various plant organs in gladiolus was studied by labelling a single leaf with 14CO2 and following the distribution of the assimilates. GA promotes inflorescence growth by directing assimilate movement towards the inflorescence at the expense of the corm. CCC has a similar but smaller effect. GA and CCC both promote assimilate translocation from the labelled leaf during the period of inflorescence growth. When this period is over and the corm becomes the main sink, translocation from the labelled leaf is promoted by CCC but inhibited by GA. The effect of CCC may be only partly explained on the basis of an increase in GA turnover in gladiolus. © 1974 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS.
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