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Martelli, G.P., Istituto di Patologia vegetale, University of Bari, Italy
Cohn, E., National and University Institute of Agriculture, Rehovot, Israel
Dalmasso, A., Laboratoire des Nématodes, I.N.R.A., Antibes, France
A redescription of the female of Xiphinema italiae based on specimens collected in the type locality is given. Males and larval stages of this species are described and figured. Xiphinema drenarium was found to be of identical taxonomic status, and is therefore synonymized with X. italiae. The morphological similarities between X. italiae and Xiphinema conurum seem to warrant considering the latter as species inquirenda until further data are available. © 1966 BRILL.
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A redescription of xiphinema italiae meyl, 1953 and its relationship to xiphinema arenarium luc et dalmasso, 1963 and xiphinema conurum siddiqi, 1964
Martelli, G.P., Istituto di Patologia vegetale, University of Bari, Italy
Cohn, E., National and University Institute of Agriculture, Rehovot, Israel
Dalmasso, A., Laboratoire des Nématodes, I.N.R.A., Antibes, France
A redescription of xiphinema italiae meyl, 1953 and its relationship to xiphinema arenarium luc et dalmasso, 1963 and xiphinema conurum siddiqi, 1964
A redescription of the female of Xiphinema italiae based on specimens collected in the type locality is given. Males and larval stages of this species are described and figured. Xiphinema drenarium was found to be of identical taxonomic status, and is therefore synonymized with X. italiae. The morphological similarities between X. italiae and Xiphinema conurum seem to warrant considering the latter as species inquirenda until further data are available. © 1966 BRILL.
Scientific Publication
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