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Nestel, D., Department of Entomology, Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research Organization, PO Box 6, Beit-Dagan 50250, Israel
Nemny-Lavy, E., Department of Entomology, Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research Organization, PO Box 6, Beit-Dagan 50250, Israel
The Mediterranean fruit fly [Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae)], or medfly, is mass produced in many facilities throughout the world to supply sterile flies for sterile insect technique programs. Production of sterile males requires large amounts of larval and adult diets. Larval diets comprise the largest economic burdens in the mass production of sterile flies, and are one of the main areas where production costs could be reduced without affecting quality and efficacy. The present study investigated the effect of manipulating diet constituents on larval development and performance. Medfly larvae were reared on diets differing in the proportions of brewer's yeast and sucrose. We studied the effect of such diets on the ability of pupating larvae to accumulate protein and lipids, and on other developmental indicators. Except for diets with a very low proportion of brewer's yeast (e.g., 4%), pupation and adult emergence rates were in general high and satisfactory. The ability of pupating larvae to accumulate lipid reserves and proteins was significantly affected by the sucrose and yeast in the diet, and by the proportion of protein to carbohydrates (P/C). In contrast to previous nutritional studies conducted with other insects, low P/C in medfly larval diets (with excess dietary carbohydrates) resulted in pupating medfly larvae having a relatively reduced load of lipids; medfly larvae protein contents in these diets were, as expected, relatively low. Similarly, high P/C ratios in the diet produced larvae with high protein and lipid contents. Differences with other insects may be due to differential post-ingestion regulation where a high dietary carbohydrate diet reduces the lipogenic activity of the larvae, and induces a shift from lipid to glucose oxidation. Larvae reared on low P/C diets spent more time foraging in the diet than larvae maintained on a high P/C diet, suggesting a compensatory mechanism to complement nutrient intake. The results suggest that the content of brewer's yeast, the most expensive diet component, could be fine-tuned without apparently affecting fly quality. © 2007 The Authors.
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Nutrient balance in medfly, Ceratitis capitata, larval diets affects the ability of the developing insect to incorporate lipid and protein reserves
Nestel, D., Department of Entomology, Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research Organization, PO Box 6, Beit-Dagan 50250, Israel
Nemny-Lavy, E., Department of Entomology, Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research Organization, PO Box 6, Beit-Dagan 50250, Israel
Nutrient balance in medfly, Ceratitis capitata, larval diets affects the ability of the developing insect to incorporate lipid and protein reserves
The Mediterranean fruit fly [Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae)], or medfly, is mass produced in many facilities throughout the world to supply sterile flies for sterile insect technique programs. Production of sterile males requires large amounts of larval and adult diets. Larval diets comprise the largest economic burdens in the mass production of sterile flies, and are one of the main areas where production costs could be reduced without affecting quality and efficacy. The present study investigated the effect of manipulating diet constituents on larval development and performance. Medfly larvae were reared on diets differing in the proportions of brewer's yeast and sucrose. We studied the effect of such diets on the ability of pupating larvae to accumulate protein and lipids, and on other developmental indicators. Except for diets with a very low proportion of brewer's yeast (e.g., 4%), pupation and adult emergence rates were in general high and satisfactory. The ability of pupating larvae to accumulate lipid reserves and proteins was significantly affected by the sucrose and yeast in the diet, and by the proportion of protein to carbohydrates (P/C). In contrast to previous nutritional studies conducted with other insects, low P/C in medfly larval diets (with excess dietary carbohydrates) resulted in pupating medfly larvae having a relatively reduced load of lipids; medfly larvae protein contents in these diets were, as expected, relatively low. Similarly, high P/C ratios in the diet produced larvae with high protein and lipid contents. Differences with other insects may be due to differential post-ingestion regulation where a high dietary carbohydrate diet reduces the lipogenic activity of the larvae, and induces a shift from lipid to glucose oxidation. Larvae reared on low P/C diets spent more time foraging in the diet than larvae maintained on a high P/C diet, suggesting a compensatory mechanism to complement nutrient intake. The results suggest that the content of brewer's yeast, the most expensive diet component, could be fine-tuned without apparently affecting fly quality. © 2007 The Authors.
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