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Mendel, Z., Dept Entomology, ARO 50250, Bet Dagan, Israel
Podoler, H., Dept Entomology, ARO 50250, Bet Dagan, Israel
Livne, H., Dept Entomology, ARO 50250, Bet Dagan, Israel
The peak arrival of Aulonium ruficorne occurred 10-20 days after the colonization phase of its prey, the bark beetle Orthotomicus erosus. A. ruficorne and O. erosus completed their development within 60-70 days during the spring and the fall. During summer the developmental period of the prey decreased to 30 days; that of the predator remained with no significant change, a discrepancy probably due to lack of prey toward the end of the developmental period and to the scarcity of microflora caused by the accelerated drying of the bark. During the winter A. ruficorne adults aggregated close or within the tunnels of O. erosus while the larvae inhabited, at much lower rates, sections infested with immature stages of Pityogenes calcaratus. -from Authors
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Establishment sequence and seasonal development of Aulonium ruficorne Olivier (Coleoptera: Colydiidae), a predator of bark beetles in pine plantations in Israel
Mendel, Z., Dept Entomology, ARO 50250, Bet Dagan, Israel
Podoler, H., Dept Entomology, ARO 50250, Bet Dagan, Israel
Livne, H., Dept Entomology, ARO 50250, Bet Dagan, Israel
Establishment sequence and seasonal development of Aulonium ruficorne Olivier (Coleoptera: Colydiidae), a predator of bark beetles in pine plantations in Israel
The peak arrival of Aulonium ruficorne occurred 10-20 days after the colonization phase of its prey, the bark beetle Orthotomicus erosus. A. ruficorne and O. erosus completed their development within 60-70 days during the spring and the fall. During summer the developmental period of the prey decreased to 30 days; that of the predator remained with no significant change, a discrepancy probably due to lack of prey toward the end of the developmental period and to the scarcity of microflora caused by the accelerated drying of the bark. During the winter A. ruficorne adults aggregated close or within the tunnels of O. erosus while the larvae inhabited, at much lower rates, sections infested with immature stages of Pityogenes calcaratus. -from Authors
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