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Biocontrol Science and Technology
Suma, P., Dipartimento di Gestione dei Sistemi Agroalimentari e Ambientali - Sezione Entomologia applicata, Università degli Studi di Catania, Catania, Italy
Mansour, R., Dipartimento di Gestione dei Sistemi Agroalimentari e Ambientali - Sezione Entomologia applicata, Università degli Studi di Catania, Catania, Italy
La Torre, I., Dipartimento di Gestione dei Sistemi Agroalimentari e Ambientali - Sezione Entomologia applicata, Università degli Studi di Catania, Catania, Italy
Ali Bugila, A.A., Centro de Estudos Florestais, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
Mendel, Z., Department of Entomology, Agricultural Research Organization, Bet Dagan, Israel
Franco, J.C., Centro de Estudos Florestais, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
Key biological parameters of Anagyrus sp. nr. pseudococci reared on the citrus mealybug Planococcus citri (Risso) were determined. The mean longevity of female wasps was 21.1 days, the median lethal time (LT50) was 22 days, the mean number of offspring per female was 30.2 wasps and the sex ratio of the progeny was slightly male biased (1.1 males per female). Wasps fed with water showed a significantly lower longevity compared to that recorded for wasps fed with syrup for bee nutrition mixed with water. The longevity of female wasps was significantly higher compared to males when the syrup-water solution was provided as food. Longevity was significantly higher for female wasps fed with syrup and water in comparison with those exposed to host mealybugs. The mean development time of female and male wasps was 14.7±0.1 and 14.5±0.1 days, respectively. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
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Developmental time, longevity, reproductive capacity and sex ratio of the mealybug parasitoid Anagyrus sp. nr. pseudococci (Girault) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae)
Suma, P., Dipartimento di Gestione dei Sistemi Agroalimentari e Ambientali - Sezione Entomologia applicata, Università degli Studi di Catania, Catania, Italy
Mansour, R., Dipartimento di Gestione dei Sistemi Agroalimentari e Ambientali - Sezione Entomologia applicata, Università degli Studi di Catania, Catania, Italy
La Torre, I., Dipartimento di Gestione dei Sistemi Agroalimentari e Ambientali - Sezione Entomologia applicata, Università degli Studi di Catania, Catania, Italy
Ali Bugila, A.A., Centro de Estudos Florestais, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
Mendel, Z., Department of Entomology, Agricultural Research Organization, Bet Dagan, Israel
Franco, J.C., Centro de Estudos Florestais, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
Developmental time, longevity, reproductive capacity and sex ratio of the mealybug parasitoid Anagyrus sp. nr. pseudococci (Girault) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae)
Key biological parameters of Anagyrus sp. nr. pseudococci reared on the citrus mealybug Planococcus citri (Risso) were determined. The mean longevity of female wasps was 21.1 days, the median lethal time (LT50) was 22 days, the mean number of offspring per female was 30.2 wasps and the sex ratio of the progeny was slightly male biased (1.1 males per female). Wasps fed with water showed a significantly lower longevity compared to that recorded for wasps fed with syrup for bee nutrition mixed with water. The longevity of female wasps was significantly higher compared to males when the syrup-water solution was provided as food. Longevity was significantly higher for female wasps fed with syrup and water in comparison with those exposed to host mealybugs. The mean development time of female and male wasps was 14.7±0.1 and 14.5±0.1 days, respectively. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
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