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Journal of Environmental Quality
Vaisman, I., Inst. Soils Water, ARO, Volcani Cent. Bet Dagan, Israel
Shalhevet, J., Inst. Soils Water, ARO, Volcani Cent. Bet Dagan, Israel
Kipnis, T., Inst. Soils Water, ARO, Volcani Cent. Bet Dagan, Israel
Feigin, A., Inst. Soils Water, ARO, Volcani Cent. Bet Dagan, Israel
During 1978 and 1979 an effluent-irrigation field experiment was carried out on a sand dune established with Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana Kunth) to determine the irrigation needs of the grass in relation to removal of nutrients from the water and prevention of groundwater pollution. The municipal effluent used had received secondary treatment in settling ponds. It was found that irrigation of Rhodes grass with waste water (secondary effluent) on sandy dune soil may be considered an appropriate method for the treatment of secondary effluent. The method obtained at one and the same time, high production and the avoidance of ground-water pollution, especially by nitrate and phosphorus.
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Reducing ground-water pollution from municipal waste-water irrigation of Rhodes grass grown on sand dunes
Vaisman, I., Inst. Soils Water, ARO, Volcani Cent. Bet Dagan, Israel
Shalhevet, J., Inst. Soils Water, ARO, Volcani Cent. Bet Dagan, Israel
Kipnis, T., Inst. Soils Water, ARO, Volcani Cent. Bet Dagan, Israel
Feigin, A., Inst. Soils Water, ARO, Volcani Cent. Bet Dagan, Israel
Reducing ground-water pollution from municipal waste-water irrigation of Rhodes grass grown on sand dunes
During 1978 and 1979 an effluent-irrigation field experiment was carried out on a sand dune established with Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana Kunth) to determine the irrigation needs of the grass in relation to removal of nutrients from the water and prevention of groundwater pollution. The municipal effluent used had received secondary treatment in settling ponds. It was found that irrigation of Rhodes grass with waste water (secondary effluent) on sandy dune soil may be considered an appropriate method for the treatment of secondary effluent. The method obtained at one and the same time, high production and the avoidance of ground-water pollution, especially by nitrate and phosphorus.
Scientific Publication
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