Determines the effect of adsorbed ion composition and clay particle size and shape on light scattering of montmorillonite suspensions. Light scattering of montmorillonite suspensions at various particle size, clay concentrations, and equivalent fraction of exchangeable sodium (EFES) was determined at a wavelength of 550 nm. Light scattering of montmorillonite suspensions depended strongly on particle size and EFES. The scattered light intensity decreased as the particle size of the clay platelets decreased and dropped sharply with increasing EFES in the range below 0.2. -from Authors
Sodium/calcium-montmorillonite suspension and light scattering
Keren, R. Klein, E.
Sodium/calcium-montmorillonite suspension and light scattering
Determines the effect of adsorbed ion composition and clay particle size and shape on light scattering of montmorillonite suspensions. Light scattering of montmorillonite suspensions at various particle size, clay concentrations, and equivalent fraction of exchangeable sodium (EFES) was determined at a wavelength of 550 nm. Light scattering of montmorillonite suspensions depended strongly on particle size and EFES. The scattered light intensity decreased as the particle size of the clay platelets decreased and dropped sharply with increasing EFES in the range below 0.2. -from Authors