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Insect Molecular Biology

B T Nganso
K Mani
N Eliash
A Rafaeli 
V Soroker                 

We focused our study on the twelve recently identified putative odorant carrier proteins in the ectoparasitic mite, Varroa destructor. Here we show, via an exclusion of the chemosensory appendages (forelegs and gnathosoma), that transcripts of five of the twelve genes were significantly lower, suggesting that they are likely involved in carrying host volatiles. Specifically, three transcripts were found to be foreleg-specific while the other two transcripts were expressed in both the forelegs and gnathosoma. We focused on one of the highly expressed and foreleg-specific transcript Vd40090, which encodes a Niemann-Pick disease protein type C2 (NPC2) protein. Effects of dsRNA-mediated silencing of Vd40090 were first measured by quantifying the transcript levels of genes that encode other putative odorant carrier proteins as well as reproduction related proteins. In addition, the impact of silencing on mites behavior and survival were tested. Silencing of Vd40090 effectively disrupted Varroa host selection, acceptance and feeding and significantly impaired the expression of genes that regulate its reproduction in brood cells, resulting in reduced reproduction and survival.

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Towards disrupting Varroa -honey bee chemosensing: A focus on a Niemann-Pick type C2 transcript

B T Nganso
K Mani
N Eliash
A Rafaeli 
V Soroker                 

Towards disrupting Varroa -honey bee chemosensing: A focus on a Niemann-Pick type C2 transcript

We focused our study on the twelve recently identified putative odorant carrier proteins in the ectoparasitic mite, Varroa destructor. Here we show, via an exclusion of the chemosensory appendages (forelegs and gnathosoma), that transcripts of five of the twelve genes were significantly lower, suggesting that they are likely involved in carrying host volatiles. Specifically, three transcripts were found to be foreleg-specific while the other two transcripts were expressed in both the forelegs and gnathosoma. We focused on one of the highly expressed and foreleg-specific transcript Vd40090, which encodes a Niemann-Pick disease protein type C2 (NPC2) protein. Effects of dsRNA-mediated silencing of Vd40090 were first measured by quantifying the transcript levels of genes that encode other putative odorant carrier proteins as well as reproduction related proteins. In addition, the impact of silencing on mites behavior and survival were tested. Silencing of Vd40090 effectively disrupted Varroa host selection, acceptance and feeding and significantly impaired the expression of genes that regulate its reproduction in brood cells, resulting in reduced reproduction and survival.

Scientific Publication
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