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Deterre, S.; Giampaoli, P.; Plotto, A.

This chapter discusses the sensory quality and biochemical constituents involved in creating the unique flavor of different citrus fruit species, including oranges, mandarins, grapefruit, and lemons. It focuses on describing the flavor attributes of fresh citrus fruit and essential oils, but not of processed juices. For further information regarding the effects of juice manufacturing processes, such as extraction methods, pulp separation, thermal processing, and concentration and reconstitution methods on orange volatiles. The chapter describes the biochemical components involved in creating the sweet, sour, and bitter tastes in citrus fruit. The biochemical analysis of aroma volatile content and composition using gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS) reveals that citrus aroma volatiles belong to a few main biochemical classes including terpene hydrocarbons, aldehydes, alcohols, esters and ketones. The chapter discusses some of the main important aroma‐active volatiles detected in citrus fruit according to their chemical classifications.

Chapter 1

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The flavor of citrus fruit

Deterre, S.; Giampaoli, P.; Plotto, A.

The flavor of citrus fruit

This chapter discusses the sensory quality and biochemical constituents involved in creating the unique flavor of different citrus fruit species, including oranges, mandarins, grapefruit, and lemons. It focuses on describing the flavor attributes of fresh citrus fruit and essential oils, but not of processed juices. For further information regarding the effects of juice manufacturing processes, such as extraction methods, pulp separation, thermal processing, and concentration and reconstitution methods on orange volatiles. The chapter describes the biochemical components involved in creating the sweet, sour, and bitter tastes in citrus fruit. The biochemical analysis of aroma volatile content and composition using gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS) reveals that citrus aroma volatiles belong to a few main biochemical classes including terpene hydrocarbons, aldehydes, alcohols, esters and ketones. The chapter discusses some of the main important aroma‐active volatiles detected in citrus fruit according to their chemical classifications.

Chapter 1

Scientific Publication
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