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EGU 2021

Shahar Baram 
Asher Bar-Tal
Alon Gal
David Russo

Static chambers are frequently used to evaluate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agro-systems. However, the effects of such chambers on water and nutrient distribution within and under the chamber’s base (i.e., anchor) in drip irrigation and its effects on GHG emissions is not well understood. This study aimed to shed some light on the topic by using field measurements and physically based, three-dimensional (3-D) simulations of flow transport and nitrogen transformations in variably saturated, spatially heterogeneous flow domain. GHG fluxes [methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and nitrous oxide (N2O)] were measured in the field for two years using a portable FTIR gas analyzer. The main findings of this study suggest that: (i) the chamber’s base modifies the water and nutrient distribution within it. Placement of the dripper inside the base leads to higher water contents, higher nitrate and ammonium concentrations, and higher N2O fluxes relative to an undisturbed area. In contrast, placement of the dripper outside the chamber base reduces all of these parameters, including the N2O fluxes, relative to an undisturbed area. (ii) The dripper’s location relative to the chamber’s base had minor to no effect on CO2 fluxes. The effect on the CH4 fluxes was not conclusive, yet suggested higher emissions when the dripper was located inside the base. (iii) A minimal disturbance is achieved when the dripper is located within a base, and the base’s radius equals the capillary length of the soil.

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The use of static chambers in drip irrigation: what should be considered?

Shahar Baram 
Asher Bar-Tal
Alon Gal
David Russo

The use of static chambers in drip irrigation: what should be considered?

Static chambers are frequently used to evaluate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agro-systems. However, the effects of such chambers on water and nutrient distribution within and under the chamber’s base (i.e., anchor) in drip irrigation and its effects on GHG emissions is not well understood. This study aimed to shed some light on the topic by using field measurements and physically based, three-dimensional (3-D) simulations of flow transport and nitrogen transformations in variably saturated, spatially heterogeneous flow domain. GHG fluxes [methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and nitrous oxide (N2O)] were measured in the field for two years using a portable FTIR gas analyzer. The main findings of this study suggest that: (i) the chamber’s base modifies the water and nutrient distribution within it. Placement of the dripper inside the base leads to higher water contents, higher nitrate and ammonium concentrations, and higher N2O fluxes relative to an undisturbed area. In contrast, placement of the dripper outside the chamber base reduces all of these parameters, including the N2O fluxes, relative to an undisturbed area. (ii) The dripper’s location relative to the chamber’s base had minor to no effect on CO2 fluxes. The effect on the CH4 fluxes was not conclusive, yet suggested higher emissions when the dripper was located inside the base. (iii) A minimal disturbance is achieved when the dripper is located within a base, and the base’s radius equals the capillary length of the soil.

Scientific Publication
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