חיפוש מתקדם
Phytopathologia Mediterranea

The long overdue foundation of a journal devoted to Mediterranean phytopathology will
certainly evoke much joy in the hearts of many plant pathologists in this region. They have
long been conscious of the plant patho-logical peculiarities of their region and have been
longing for some recognition of this obvious situation. Unfortunately these considerations
have not yet become common property. A great number of Mediterranean plant pathologists
are still guided in their work by conclusions arrived at in Countries with northern or other …

פותח על ידי קלירמאש פתרונות בע"מ -
הספר "אוצר וולקני"
תנאי שימוש
On research and cooperation of Mediterranean Phytopathologists
On research and cooperation of Mediterranean Phytopathologists

The long overdue foundation of a journal devoted to Mediterranean phytopathology will
certainly evoke much joy in the hearts of many plant pathologists in this region. They have
long been conscious of the plant patho-logical peculiarities of their region and have been
longing for some recognition of this obvious situation. Unfortunately these considerations
have not yet become common property. A great number of Mediterranean plant pathologists
are still guided in their work by conclusions arrived at in Countries with northern or other …

Scientific Publication
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