חיפוש מתקדם
Drip irrigation (book, 1999)

Dani Or

In this chapter we will give a critical overview of the applications of drip irrigation to the main branches of agriculture and horticulture. It is our aim to sum up the experience attained by this irrigation method since its evolution and development, and to look at the problems encountered with specific crops under varying circumstances.

פותח על ידי קלירמאש פתרונות בע"מ -
הספר "אוצר וולקני"
תנאי שימוש
Practical Applications of Drip Irrigation

Dani Or

Practical Applications of Drip Irrigation

In this chapter we will give a critical overview of the applications of drip irrigation to the main branches of agriculture and horticulture. It is our aim to sum up the experience attained by this irrigation method since its evolution and development, and to look at the problems encountered with specific crops under varying circumstances.

Scientific Publication
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