חיפוש מתקדם
Drip irrigation (book, 1999)

Dani Or

Most traditional irrigation methods are designed to provide uniform water distribution at the soil surface resulting in wetting patterns similar to those under natural rainfall. Under these circumstances, the predominant force governing movement of water in the soil during irrigation is gravity. During the subsequent evaporation and transpiration period, capillary forces become dominant and the net movement of water is in a vertically upward direction.

פותח על ידי קלירמאש פתרונות בע"מ -
הספר "אוצר וולקני"
תנאי שימוש
Soil Water and Salt Regime

Dani Or

Soil Water and Salt Regime

Most traditional irrigation methods are designed to provide uniform water distribution at the soil surface resulting in wetting patterns similar to those under natural rainfall. Under these circumstances, the predominant force governing movement of water in the soil during irrigation is gravity. During the subsequent evaporation and transpiration period, capillary forces become dominant and the net movement of water is in a vertically upward direction.

Scientific Publication
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